This monthly webinar series offers healthcare professionals the latest insights in tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis experts will discuss screening, diagnosis, and treatment of TB disease and latent TB infection (LTBI). Topics include considerations for pediatric and adult populations, clinical updates, diagnostic methods, and treatment strategies. Healthcare professionals managing patients with TB can stay informed on research developments and emerging treatment regimens for active TB and LTBI, exploring innovative approaches to enhance patient adherence and outcomes.


Innovations in Tuberculosis (TB) Webinar Series

Multidisciplinary Management of TB Drug Reactions: Insights from a Physician, a Pharmacist, and a Nurse

September 27, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Central Time

Speaker: Tanner Johnson, Pharm.D., Zelalem Temesgen, M.D., and Philip Wegner

In this webinar, participants explore the management of adverse drug reactions in tuberculosis (TB) treatment. This session features three distinguished experts—a physician, a pharmacist, and a nurse—each providing unique perspectives on the progression of care for patients undergoing TB treatment.

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Future Webinar TopicsDate
Language Learning Models Use in Tuberculosis (TB)October 25, 2024
Class 5 Tuberculosis (TB)November 22, 2024
Tuberculosis (TB) and Co-morbidities (TB and HIV)December 6, 2024


Previously Recorded Webinars

Innovations in Tuberculosis (TB) Webinar Series - Previously Recorded Webinars

Pediatric Tuberculosis (TB): Radiology Considerations

Recorded January 26, 2024

This presentation discussed the role of radiology in pediatric tuberculosis, including characteristics of a normal pediatric chest x-ray, the importance of the x-ray quality, and the radiographic TB disease patterns in children.

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Active Tuberculosis (TB)

Recorded February 23, 2024 

Speaker: John Zeuli, PharmD, BCPS AQ-ID, AAHIVM

This course was designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively identify, interpret, and apply therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) in the context of Tuberculosis (TB) treatment.

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)


Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI)

Recorded March 22, 2024

Speaker: Patricio Escalante, M.D., M.S.

In this session, the presenter delves into the complexities of Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI), exploring the underlying pathophysiology, crucial aspects of its treatment, and dosing strategies.

Recording is not available


Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnostic Strategies

Recorded April 26, 2024

Speaker: Nancy Wengenack, Ph.D., and Elitza Theel, Ph.D.

This course is designed to provide healthcare professionals with the latest advancements in tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic strategies, focusing on emerging tools, updates, and the interpretation of Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs).

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)

Tuberculosis (TB) and Comorbidities (TB and Diabetes Mellitus) 

Recorded May 24, 2024 

Speaker: Sundari Mase, M.D., M.P.H.

This webinar explores the intricate relationship between tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes. The presenter discusses the epidemiological ties between these two diseases and provides evidence-based strategies for the prevention and management of TB in patients with diabetes.

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)

Tuberculosis (TB) and Mental Health: Understanding the Intersection

Recorded June 28, 2024

Speaker: Robert J. Morgan, III, M.D., Ph.D.

This session will explore the oft-overlooked intersection between tuberculosis (TB) and mental health. Tuberculosis poses not only physical health challenges but also significantly impacts mental well-being. This webinar will examine the TB-mental health relationship through a historical lens and shed light on psychological, emotional, social, and psychopharmacological aspects of TB care and management.

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)

Nurse speaking with a husband and wife

Tuberculosis (TB) Contact Investigation Essentials for Healthcare Professionals

Recorded July 26, 2024

Speaker: Shea Rabley, R.N.

This course is designed to provide essential information related to TB contact investigations. Participants explore basic principles including prioritizing contacts and the TB evaluation process, along with examining congregate settings and discussing ways to handle the media during a contact investigation. 

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)

Management of Culture-Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Adults - Livestream

August 23, 2024 |12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Central Time

Speaker: Zelalem Temesgen, M.D.

This webinar provides healthcare professionals with essential knowledge and practical strategies for the management of culture-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in adults. Culture-negative TB presents unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, and effective management is crucial to ensure positive patient outcomes and prevent the spread of the disease.

Watch the recording here (No CME credit)


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